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サンディエゴの不動産 35年
1988〜2019 サンディエゴの日系情報誌(YUYU)と(Lighthouse )誌上の不動産コラムを担当。
2020〜 ウェブサイトでカリフォルニアの不動産に関する基本的な情報から最新の条例まで、大切な情報を日本語で紹介しています。

Miyuki Hoshina Flavell
I originally came from Tokyo, Japan. I am known to the Japanese communities in San Diego as a columnist of Real Estate articles for two Japanese newspapers, The YUYU and LIGHTHOUSE. My articles cover topics addressing a multitude of real estate issues including law, new legislation and tax. I am available to answer real estate questions via email or phone. In the last 3 decades, I have assisted numerous tenants, landlords, buyers and sellers. My website was created to share a variety of information regarding real estate with the local Japanese community here in San Diego County.
保科 みゆき

△ 保科誠(星城)